Welcome to Wednesday
Hello Everyone,
When Wednesday’s message arrives a day late, it will be known as Thursday’s Thoughts. So here is something to think about on the sunny summer days ahead . . .

Merriam Webster defines “sunshine” as, “The sun’s light or direct rays; the warmth and light given by the sun’s rays; a spot or surface on which the sun’s light shines;” or, “Someone or something that radiates warmth, cheer, or happiness.” Now, who couldn’t use a little more warmth, cheer, or happiness in their life? If you refer or describe someone as “a ray of sunshine”, it most likely means that they make you feel happier. They can bring you a feeling of hope during difficult times.
So why is it that we love sunshine so much? Research shows that exposure to sunlight increases the brain’s release of the hormone serotonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused. You have heard of seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? This is thought to be caused by a lack of sunlight and can lead to depression.
Kara-Marie Hall, RN, BSN, CCRN, points out several health benefits derived from the sun:
- Sunlight provides vitamin D.
- Sunlight strengthens bones.
- Sunlight kills bacteria.
- Sunlight helps reduce high blood pressure.
- Sunlight can improve sleep quality.
- Sunlight boosts mood.
In summary, get plenty of sunshine and stay close to people who bring sunshine to your life. They are supportive of you in your good times. They are supportive of you in your bad times. They are consistent, loyal, and steadfast, yet adaptable to life’s ups and downs, twists and turns. The time you spend with them feels intentional and leaves you with a sense of fulfillment.
Brininging it Home
The Team at Vandenack Weaver strives to bring sunshine to those we serve by providing them with quality legal services and supporting them through the rough spots and the success of good times. We believe in the adage, “Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” (James M. Barrie) Choose the Team at Vandenack Weaver and increase your chances for a bright and sunny tomorrow.
Have a great rest of the week; enjoy the sun, but stay cool and well hydrated. Be that ray of sunshine to all you are around.