Welcome to Wednesday



I was listening to the radio last weekend and heard the story of H. J. Heinz, you know, the ketchup guy. They shared a quote by Mr. Heinz, “Quality is to product, what character is to man.” So it got me thinking about quality and what we do. What you do for a living is your product and in order to be successful, you want to provide a quality product.

We all know quality when we see it or experience it. Quality is defined as, “the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something; a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something.” When you receive or experience a quality product or service it stands out to you and you are likely to return for such product/service and even recommend it to others. Quality ensures that a high-class product/service is being produced. Quality is important for customer satisfaction that results in customer loyalty. Quality is determined by the extent to which a product or service successfully serves the purposes of the user during usage.

Bethan Foston suggests several proven strategies to promote quality improvement in an organization: 

            – Ask for opinions.

            – Make time for mentoring.

            – Reward good performance.

            – Improve accountability.

            – Clarify goals and responsibilities.    

            – Perfect your onboarding process.

            – Provide on-going training and support.

Finally, remember the 4 C’s of quality: comprehensiveness, consistency, continuousness, and certification.

Bringing it Home

The Team at Vandenack Weaver Truhlsen understands the importance of providing quality service. We have built a loyal client base by providing complete and comprehensive services. We appreciate the loyalty of our clients and strive to continue those relationships by providing services that meet their expectations. Quality is everyone’s responsibility at Vandenack Weaver Truhlsen and we continue to improve the quality of our service in all circumstances. Providing quality legal services is our product and our goal.

Have a great rest of the week. Find a way to stay cool and don’t let the heat affect your quality of . . . anything!