Welcome to Wednesday

Hope you are enjoying the string of top ten weather days as we steadily progress toward the summer months.  Let’s take a moment to consider “progress”:



Progress is defined as movement forward or toward a destination. Progress is the process of gradually improving or getting nearer to achieving or completing something. The term “progress” is an indicator that there is a movement forward and is usually identified as being positive. Change does not necessarily imply that there is progress. The path of progress will not always be positive or smooth.

Progress equals happiness. That’s because reaching a goal is satisfying, but only temporarily. To reach your goals, to attain progress, to move forward in life and health, requires change. Progress allows you to reach your goal, and in doing so, prepares you for your next goal. When you focus on the goal, it may seem far away. Progress makes the goal look closer. Progress is a path of learning and action that moves in the direction of reducing missed opportunities and increasing our capacity to attain our goals.

Leon Ho, CEO and Founder at Lifehack suggests the following ways to make progress every day in achieving your goals:

  1. Figure Out Your WHYs.
  2. Establish Tangible Goals.
  3. Create Your Game Plan.
  4. Imbibe Positivity.
  5. Practice Reflection as You Progress.
  6. Celebrate Your Achievements.

Goals offer you a sense of purpose and fulfillment when accomplished. When you make progress consistently in the direction of your goals, you build up the confidence to overcome obstacles, and every roadblock becomes a stepping stone to achieve your next target.

Bringing it Home

The Team at Vandenack Weaver Truhlsen continues to make progress every day. Whether it is personally, professionally, client-related, or community related, we are focused on the goal of achievement and improvement. We understand the importance of making and reaching goals and share that feeling of satisfaction as we progress positively toward a specific destination. We are confident that we can overcome obstacles and deal with setbacks in the path to success. Let the Team at Vandenack Weaver Truhlsen help you enjoy a sense of fulfillment with steady and positive progress.

Have a great rest of your week  as you progress toward the weekend. Then celebrate your achievement!