Real Estate Development With Qualified Opportunity Zones
Guest: Kim Kuhle, real estate developer and Jim Pieper, Attorney with Vandenack Weaver Truhlsen February 21, 2023
Guest: Kim Kuhle, real estate developer and Jim Pieper, Attorney with Vandenack Weaver Truhlsen February 21, 2023
Guest: David Campbell, a director at the law firm of Underwood Perkins, P.C. in Dallas, Texas. February 14, 2023
Guest: Daniel Siegel, Attorney and nationally recognized authority on on legal ethics, technology, cybersecurity, and data protection. February 7, 2023
Guests: Daniel Gerety and David Holmes of Gerety & Associates in Las Vegas, Nevada January 31, 2023
Guests: Rachel Truhlsen, Janice Fitchhorn, Sue Leppert January 17, 2023
Guest: Dan Siegel, attorney in Philadephia, PA area and nationally recognized authority on legal ethics and technology January 17, 2023
Guest: David Campbell Director at Underwood Perkins, P.C. January 10, 2023
Guest: Dr. Jaime Dodge, a Family Medicine Specialist at Aletheia Integrative Medical January 3, 2023
Guest: Dan Siegel, attorney in Philadephia, PA area and nationally recognized authority on legal ethics and technology December 27, 2022
Guest: Terrell Turner, CPA and Co-Founder of Fractional CFO December 20, 2022